
{ fresh air }

Our 5th annual vacation to the mountains was not only a cure for stress but also a source of inspiration.

After four wonderful days of fishing, lounging, smores and all around awesomeness, I decided on three things:

 I need my own fishing pole 

I'm going to learn how to play the guitar!

Sling shots are the coolest!!!

It had to have been the most refreshing year yet. Here are a few shots of the trip:


Oh and here's a pic of my guitar! So excited!!!!




{ giveaway!! }

Our first EVER Facebook giveaway in celebration of 600 friends!

Take a peak at Poppy & Pearl co. and enter to win these fabulous items!!

Reusable napkins, coffe filter and tea bags by Evelyn Fields
Organic coffee and tea by Schnoogs Cafe 
Two 24 ounce Mason Jar Tumblers

>>> just share the P&Pco. facebook page on your wall to enter <<<

>>> drawing takes place on Saturday the 21st <<<

Thanks for entering : )

~ bobbi ~


{ the video is here! }

Thank you Richie and Kari at Midview Studios for producing such beautiful work! It was a joy working with you.

Thanks goes to my gorgeous actors (cutest husband and wife EVER!!) Grace and Ryan McGrady

Thanks Tirzah and Steve Woodward for use of your summer time ride : ) I am totally getting a convertible now!



{ alive and well! }

craziest. week. of. my. life.

I was not prepared for the amount of business that would come from Mothers Day. I ended up having to call in the troops to come help me! The troops being two beautiful friends who kindly drank wine with me while filling orders well into the night.  : ) not too much wine of course. thank you Jodi, thank you Jennie!

So I happily survived the madness and look forward to the next round of holiday orders. Thank you lovely customers!!

OH, and I ran a half marathon in San Francisco on Sunday!
Only my second ever. I met my goal as I had better time than the last race and truly enjoyed the training experience... think I'm officially addicted. I'll be joining 24,000 ladies in October for the Nike Womens Half as well. Can't wait!

Here are some random shots of the last couple weeks :) 

Have a wonderful Mothers Day weekend, friends.


~ bobbi ~

me and chad, rooftop view of our hotel. amazing!!

my girls. love them!

out on the town ~ i seriously love this city!!

sonora girls ready to run
best lookin' group there ;) heehee

SO so happy to finish strong : )



{ dirty girl garden }

love this place!

Jennifer Segale of the Dirty Girl Garden is a fan of mason jar tumblers and oh~so witty.

you'll {love} her too, i just know it.

what a wonderful photo of Jenn's green tea!
Have a lovely week, friends.


~ bobbi ~


{ a beautiful whirlwind }

i feel as though i am running from the moment i rise till my head hits the pillow... i'm sure most of you can relate : )

it's such an amazing whirlwind these days! 
not only does Poppy and Pearl Co. now have a patent pending for the mason jar tumbler lid but there is also a brand new product coming into the shop soon! Oh, and a new website!! Craziness!

 with that said, i am moving this wonderful little business of mine to the next level. i can't wait to reveal the "new addition" to the shop ~ you are going to LOVE love love it.


here are a few random photos of the week. Instagram of course! 

btw, did you hear that Facebook made Instagram a billion dollar deal!! i should have been an app designer.   : )

~ have a terrific weekend ~

the little family after church on easter 

a quick visit to the city ( S.F. )
my view from the bay bridge at sunset was absolutely breathtaking

onward goes project studio

three weeks till race day ~ so excited to conquer 13 miles!

shipping supplies make me giddy!

the oh~so wonderful afternoon latte




{ treasures }

I'd like to encourage you all to stop by your nearest thrift store and take a peak for you never ever know what treasure you might find.

here are a few I found this week...

1950's or 60's Dofan French Handbag 
 my cost: $2.50
going rate: $45ish dollars

American Tourister carry on

my new button organizer
LOVE this $5 beauty!!


Happy thrifting, friends! 
Let me know what you find this weekend : )




{ a spivvy and new bangs }

~ latest obsession and random Bobbi pics ~

~ latest obsession ~

my boys call it a "spivvy"

3/4 water
1/2 sparkling water
4 drops of stevia
lemon and lime juice to taste
plenty of fresh spearmint

~  enjoy!  ~
~ a local favorite! Hatcher Cab ~

oh and I got bangs!

~ loving the skirt my mom gave me... i turned it into a dress! ~

~ just enough sun for a 7 mile run ~

have a happy day, friends!


{  bobbi  } 


{ laughs and giggles }

The lovely Brittney Maxey of Laughs and Giggles Photography 
( and a mason jar tumbler fan )

is hosting a truly wonderful giveaway to celebrate her 2000 fan milestone on facebook!

good luck!

p.s.   a trio of tumblers are included in the $400 giveaway : )


.. foodie picks ..

Foodie Picks for Spring Celebrations

i am so excited to be be included in this Etsy Blog Post by the lovely Kelly at Eat Make Read

see her blog for some amazing recipes!!

and a huge thanks to Cornerspace Cakes for including me in this wonderful photo shoot ~ you girls are the best!!





{ in progress }

..  in my daily routine of dropping off orders to the post office, picking up kids from school, the dreaded grocery store stops and making tumbler deliveries, i squeeze in a thrift store or two 
( you know how i love them ) ..

yesterday, I scored these finds for the slow going studio project : )

  and the search goes on...

next on the list~ a desk!

{  bobbi  }



{ vintage finds }

i stopped by a few of my favorite thrift stores today and 
found some vintage { lovelies }     

three vintage belts~ a few leather and one tapestry belt 
( didn't take pics )

this wonderful tiered cake stand for my studio. envisioning it on the sewing table as a button organizer. large ones on  bottom, smaller on top maybe.  ?  

speaking of the studio...  ugh.  i am so terrible about decorating that it has me overwhelmed. SO wish i could hire a decorator to just get the job done. oh well. someday { soon } it will be wonderful!

although the work room is way behind schedule i am having a good time finding little things that will help pull it all together.

and this little cutie... a vintage comb case. i think they're from the 50's?

what a great addition to project "studio"!

total spent:  $5.50


{   bobbi   }


{ all signed up }

..   no turning back now!   ..

this is only my second 1/2 marathon that I will be doing but I have to say that running again ( it's been three years ) is so rewarding. The endorphins that come with a good run are THE BEST!  : )

i am not "a runner" or an athlete. In high school I was a cheerleader...  hee hee.
so to put on my running shoes and push myself physically is an amazing feeling.

the race is the first weekend in may so i'll take pics and let you know how it goes.

{   bobbi   }


{ westfalia market }

if there were a few precious dollars left in my pocket, there are two things I would spend it on:

make~up or a handbag

{ the two have always been my weakness }

well, due to the brilliance of etsy and my love for handbags, i introduce ~

..  pretty ..  vintage  .. handbags  ..

click here to join my shop and be the first to check it out

simply ecstatic for opening day!! should be early next week.

you are so kind for stopping by ~ thank you for your support.


{  bobbi  }


{ quest for color }

 i've been trying to add color into my house for awhile now. I never know what goes together, what doesn't and so, find myself opting for neutrals. BORING. I am so over it. Thanks to my best friend for always inspiring me with her clever eye for design ( and to Pinterest ) I am finally just going for it. Color, here i come!! 
i recently put these up in the house from the oh-so talented Katie Daisy  

you can shop her amazing art work on Etsy at The Wheatfield

oh, and here's my mocha keeping me company  : )

my favorite homemade mocha these days:

two shots of espresso
3/4 cup of frothed whole milk
1/2 packet of Trader Joes hot chocolate mix

{ homemade gnache would be the most heavenly but i don't have any so the above is a perfectly good substitute }


{  bobbi  }